Monday, March 7, 2016

# 5 Machine logos

#4 i nomi (ai più sconosciuti) di tre macchine del proprio ambito di ricerca e definirne l'etimologia.

#3D printer:

#3 the Machine of research in Architecture - Urban Planning field

If I can asume the meaning of " Machine"as an virtual struture of my research which Input informations go through and the results come out, then that machine must have some main functions  as an computer to do the work of analysis, of comparitive, monitor the processes, solving the functions to find the best solutions and so the output is what will be present as a Conclusion. BUT the collaboration between human brain and the machine is fomdamental part OR maybe I call my brain is that Machine? 

Image: The Machine that can read my imagination to produce drawings.

#2 Comic strip_machine

#1 Linkin Park / REANIMATION